February, 2024



So, lengthy session, and finished it off.

Started the game going through unfinished Defense Missions. Did a few, but ended up running into a soft-lock situation, forcing me re-set and lose progress.

Decided to just do the FU fight. His invincible moments are a bit too long, but slowing his ass down opens up his vulnerable moments for so much longer. With practice, I could probably three phase him (on BITTER, at least). His second round wasn't too bad, but it does want you to remember perfect dodge, which can let you four phase him if you're paying attention. Dodging forward after the perfect dodge can let you close in quicker to not waste any time. Also, Death Shower for extra damage.

And with a little bit of extra after FU's fight, the game is over and the credits roll with a stinger hinting at a possible NMH4.

Will write a review soon.
